Friday 13 February 2009

Back from the Dead

Wow, sorry I haven't been updating in a while-3 weeks!- I had a brief trip away and then all sorts of other factors caught up with me- and I still haven't got around to that FF #2 review as a result! Well, lots has been missed and I'll be working overtime on this blog to get us up to date over the next few days! To give a brief summary of what you can expect:

-A Dark Reign Update (Of Doom)- 'Dark Avengers', 'Captain Britain and MI-13' and 'Thor' have all hosted Dark Reign related appearances of the FF's Greatest Foe, while Namor has popped up in an X-Men Annual, and there's a Doom-related preview of Dark Avengers #2!  Reviews, summaries and thoughts all coming up!

-Fantastic Feedback- The first new issue of FF since the blog started! Full review on it's way!

-A new creative team for the World's Greatest announced, lots of interviews to link to and lots of thoughts from yours truly!

-And between all this, I may be able to squeeze up the FF #2 review as well! Keep your eyes peeled! 

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