Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Dark Reign Update....OF DOOM!

..Sheesh, that labels far is filling up fast since this  is the first week and I'm trying to do a few regular features. :p Anyway, it strikes me that since two FF supporting characters are after all key members of the Cabal, there's probably going to be some fairly frequent updates on FF-related news from Dark Reign. To that end, where relevant I'll do a summary of Dark Reign related news every so often as it relates to those characters or our Favourite Foursome! For our first update-

1. Black Panther preview and Interview-


This makes me pretty terrified. Both Doctor Doom and, from these preview pages, Namor, will be in Hudlin's revamped Black Panther as part of Dark Reign. Last time Hudlin got near him, it was the worst Doom I've read in many long years. Oh dear....

Status: Terrified Trepidation

2. Dark Avengers #1 preview and Interview-



The preview features Morgan Le Fey looking at the cabal in her cauldron, and we know from solicits that she'll be very angry at a member of them... which has a 99% chance of being Doom since Bendis ended his last pre-SI Mighty Avengers arc with him snubbing her due to the minor technicality of being in jail. Also, Bendis made a comment which stood out to me- "For example, you'll see plenty of the Doctor Doom and Namor duo in Dark Avengers leading to a bigger story...NOT AN EVENT". The Doctor Doom and Namor duo, eh? Sounds like something important for fans of FF supporting characters to be following. Fortunately, as someone who likes the concept, I was planning on following anyway. :) And while I liked their scene together in the special and the idea of the old Super-Villain Team-Up duo (And indeed, FF 6 duo!) coming back, Bendis' Doom from Mighty Avengers and Hobo Namor from the special do haunt me somewhat....

Status: Cautious Anticipation

3. Dark Reign: Fantastic Four Interview

....But now I can't remember where. I swear there was one, I'll dig it up! Obviously this is the most important and relevant one for FF fans. Somewhat surprisingly, Doctor Doom will not be showing up, which I guess is because he has starring roles in both Dark Reign and Fantastic Four so the idea of him appearing at all in Dark Reign: Fantastic Four is obviously madness. Hickman also mentioned that it took him a while to find the character's voices, which I think is preferable to writers who claim they had it perfect straight away, and that we can expect to see Doombots and Norman Osborn after issue three. He also said that it will deal with Reed trying to work out what has gone so wrong and where his mistakes have been since Civil War, Secret Invasion etc, which is an intriguing premise which hopefully doesn't grow too stale. But I've never read any of Hickman's work, the continuity here already makes my head hurt and no Doom and no Namor in the FF's part in an event where they are integral players is baffling, so...

Status: Cautious Anticipation

And thus we conclude our first Dark Reign Update.... of DOOM! Next up, hopefully, a full run-down of FF #2. Because clearly, the one thing we have not had enough of at this stage is Skrulls!

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