The first Dark Reign Update o'Doom since the Dark Reign began, so let's hit it! Please note that this is an FF blog, so the Summaries will only summarise what happens with Fantastic Four characters. Likewise, the review and value will evaluate these for fans of the Four and their extended circle.
1) Hudlin talks about Doctor Doom in 'Black Panther'
Response: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Hudlin and Doctor Doom. Does anything more need to be said?
Status: As before, Terrified Trepidition
2) Jonathan Hickman talks Dark Reign: FF at a couple of places with images
Response: With the news that Hickman and Eaglesham are the future of the FF, this has become a lot more important as an indicator of how they'll do. I'll put up my full thoughts on their announcement later tonight!
Status: As before, Cautious Anticipation
3) Preview of Dark Avengers #2- Including Victor!
Response: Hmm, it's funny to see them date Victor more precisely- "37 years ago". As ever, trying to reason with women just doesn't work out. In all seriousness, I'm interested to see how the Doom/Morgana fight is handled- though if the Dark Avengers are needed, I'm guessing Doom isn't doing too well.
Status: Anticipation
FF Connection: Doctor Doom plays a minor role but it seems important in setting up what will be happening with him in the future of the title, where he looks to be playing a major role.
Summary: Morgana Le Fey seeks the one who has betrayed her- Doctor Doom- (Presumably when he missed their date back in Mighty Avengers #11, true believers!) and discovers the Cabal. In the present day, Doom is transported back to Latveria by HAMMER, but they have scarcely landed when Morgana attacks him and he reciprocates, beginning a magical duel!
Review: This issue is likely to be an important one for fans of 'Dark Reign' and the good Doctor in general. While not all that much happens, as I noted in the FF Connection, it looks like Doom will be a cast member of this book at least for the foreseeable future, and the first mission of the Dark Avengers has been triggered by Doom's actions back in Mighty Avengers. While Doom doesn't speak here, when he does, it's decent, if unspectacular, so between this and the 'Dark Reign' special, Bendis seems to have a somewhat better grasp of Doom's speech than he displayed in the unfortunate aforementioned Mighty Avengers story. He also continues his focus on Doom's magical side, which is an interesting one that will hopefully be explored more.
FF Fans- 0 Stars- Nothing for fans of the Foursome here
Doom Fans- 4 Stars- I suspect 'Dark Avengers' and 'Fantastic Four' are the two Must Have titles for those following Doctor Doom in the coming year, but there isn't enough Doom in just this issue to justify a full rating.
FF Connection: A LOT of Namor this issue!
Summary: Some time ago, Sebastien Shaw considered adding Namor to the Hellfire Club as White King and has Emma chat him up. When offered the position, Namor becomes offended as he considers himself Atlantean first, and a Mutant second, and threatens to kill Shaw, storming out. Emma later attracts his attention on Shaw's orders and stays with him, causing both to be attacked by Sentinels, which Namor deals with. He then tracks them back to Shaw, but Frost's mind is wiped and Shaw warns him that he is always surrounded by telepaths and is untouchable.
Back in the present day, it seems Namor was pretending he didn't know Emma for her protection, and they later meet and forge a secret alliancee- he will protect her physically and she will shield him telepathically. To prove her loyalty she gives him Shaw's head on a plate, although unbeknownst to him, she has tricked him and Shaw lives.
Review: Well, this issue had a great deal of Marvel's First Mutant in it, for starters! He was well characterised here, both in the past and in the present- as amorous and haughty as ever. His rejection of Shaw's offer and his subsequent threat are particularly nice touches, reminding us of how imperious and deadly Namor could be. While I don't quite buy that he'd come to the meeting in the first place, he acts exactly the way he should once he's there. In the present day, it's nice to see his relationship with Emma expanded, and it doesn't feel forced or unnatural either, but helps build ties across the Marvel Universe between the X-Men's world and that of the FF. The 'Alliance within an Alliance' of Emma and Namor is another excellent little detail, and it'll be interesting to see how this plays out in Dark Reign- of all the Cabal members, it seems to be Namor and Doom who are up to the most double dealing!
FF Fans- 0 Stars- Nothing for Pure Foursome fans here
Namor Fans- 5 Stars- Lots and lots of Namor here, including a relationship, context and some developments which should be very, very interesting as Dark Reign plays out.
THOR #600
FF Connection: None until the very last page, but this should have huge impact in the months to come for Doom fans!
Summary: Loki tells the Gods of Asgard that she knows of a land where they can live and hunt, a land of snow-capped mountains and church steeples, and that its kind has invited them all to live there. The land's name is Latveria, and it's king is Victor Von Doom.
Review: Well, well. Of course, this was foreshadowed back in Thor #5, but I had then assumed that just foreshadowing for the Cabal. It seems not! So that makes another 'alliance within an alliance' in the Cabal- Doom and Loki have their own scheme, which means trouble for Thor. Doctor Doom and Thor have very rarely crossed paths before- the most notable incident in recent memory being the Thor/Iron Man/Avengers crossover where Doom was acting behind the scenes- but here Doom appears to have a massive role in the 600th issue of the book! This can only mean big things to come, and it'll be very interesting to watch. It's always great to see Doom appear around the Marvel Universe.
While we can't yet judge how in-character Doom is, as he hasn't had any lines, JMS has written Doom before- back in issues 536 and 537 of his FF run. While I can't say I was a fan of JMS' FF, his Doom seemed to have just the right voice and had at least two memorable moments, and his Thor run has been white-hot these days. This unexpected development makes this issue a must-have for fans of the Doctor, however little a role he may play directly.
FF Fans- 0 Stars- The Four have had little role in the Reign so far!
Doom Fans- 4 Stars- Only one page, which is why it doesn't get full marks, but it hints at colossal things to come!
FF Connection: Doom has a small, though interesting role
Summary: Doctor Doom meets with Dracula on the Moon. (Just typing that sentence has made my day.) Dracula wants a Non-Aggression Treaty, and though Doom scorns his heritage and his racism, he appears fairly positive about this, referencing his Cabal allies. Dracula later fumes over Doom's imperiosity, threatening to "make that peasant his slave".
Review: The issue itself was fantastic... for fans of the Four or the Doc, not so much. There are some interesting points and great touches like referring to Dracula by his first name- Tepes- , his having shards of the True Cross in his armour and his dismissal of both Tepes' heritage- 'little prince-' and his racism. The latter in particular simply seems like a shot at the much-maligned 'Racist Doom' of Black Panther #19. While it was a great scene, it wasn't that important for those who aren't reading the title, and I doubt Doom will play much of a role in future issues.
FF Fans- Yet another 0 Stars
Doom Fans: 2 Stars- A nice scene, but unremarkable and unimportant. We'll see if Doom makes another appearance in future issues.
FF Connection: The FF themselves pop up (FINALLY!) and help the New Avengers try to find the Cage child
Summary: With their baby missing, Luke and Jesicca Cage- with the New Avengers- come to the remnants of the Baxter Building post Secret Invasion. While initially reticent, the second she hears about the child, Sue summons the rest and they immediately go into overdrive helping the Avengers try to find their child, with Reed using his tech to help them try to locate the Skrull who took it. They are unsuccessful.
Review: While their role wasn't much, I always like seeing the FF in situations like this. With their child missing, it made perfect sense for the Avengers to turn to Reed, and rather than delivering some useless line about being busy, they actually helped, hunting down criminals for leads, with Reed using his tech to their advantage. Even if it didn't work, it legitimately felt like they had explored an important option before Cage turns to Osborn at the end of the issue. Not very much here for Four fans, unless you just like seeing them play a role in other books or are a completionist, but they were here nonetheless!
FF Fans- 2 Stars- A small and fairly unimportant role, but a role nonetheless
Hopefully the next Update will be along much sooner than this one!
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